Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Understanding Tooth Decay

Decay of tooth owing to bacterial formation and attack is a progressive phenomenon. As it happens a lot of people do not realize or often overlook when there is mild tooth decay. They let the tooth be as it as and decay being a progressive process leads to the slow but effective erosion and damage of the entire tooth. Finally, there comes a point of extremity where the tooth has reached a point beyond recovery and the only solution is to remove the teeth. Removing teeth should be the last resort because it has long term pejorative impact on collective and overall oral health of the individual. When you go to the dentist for regular dental check-ups, your dentist is able to quickly detect these early signs of decay and damage and before it can progress can swiftly device a less invasion plan of action and fix it at the earliest. But should the decay spread to the extent that the pulp inside the enamel is exposed, you might need an RCT, or Root Canal Treatment. 

To detect the infection, you will be asked to get an x-ray done. The x-ray will also give the shape of the root canal. In order to keep the area dry and free from saliva free during the treatment, a rubber dam will be used which will surround the area. After that, there will be drilling done on the tooth to access the affected area. After that the surgeon will remove the pulp, bacteria, debris, and remaining nerve tissue. Finally, a sealant is applied to the area. Root canal surgery can take more than one sitting depending upon the complexity of the process. If you are looking for the best dentist in Mississauga, consider Credit River Dental. 

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